Grid-Tie Systems

Grid-Tie Systems Residential or Commercial

Grid-Tie Systems

The energy from the sun excites the roof mounted solar PV panels which in turn produces DC electricity. This DC power is then sent into a Grid-Tie Inverter. This device converts the DC into high voltage (typically 120Volts) AC that synchronizes to the incoming grid power at your building. If the building is consuming less power than is being generated by solar array, the extra solar power is sent onto the electric grid driving the electric meter in reverse. There are no storage devices, like batteries, so the system will only operate when grid electricity is available.

Grid-Tie Systems are rated in kilo-watts (KW). The system kilowatt hours (KW-Hrs) of energy production is calculated by multiplying the system rating (KW) by the location sun hours. The sun hours are not the total daily sunlight, but rather a smaller portion of it. On a typical 10 hours of sunlight day, you might only experience 3-4 hours of sun hours. Determine the sun hours per day for your location (see US Solar Radiation Map) and multiply it by the system KW rating and multiply it by the number of days in the month producing the monthly energy in KW-Hrs.

By comparing this number to the KW-Hrs consumed at this building (see existing electric bill) you can determine what percentage of energy offset the system will provide.

We install Grid-Tie Systems in South Florida and the Caribbean Islands. Contact us today for a free quote!